Can’t watch FOX or My9 on Cablevision? Problem solved!

You can’t live on, or be anywhere near, Long Island these days without hearing about the ongoing, corporate-clashing saga between Cablevision and NewsCorp, and with the World Series looming on FOX, some Yankees zealots are somewhat concerned.  Not to worry: Newsday “tech” bloggers have come to the rescue!

In a blog post on’s “Technology” section, entitled “How Cablevision customers can still catch Fox shows“, New Yorkers — or better yet: “Giants, “Glee” and Ernie Anastos fans” —  are given advice on how to get past the corporate embargo.

A snapshot of the Technology blog

A snapshot of the Technology blog

Points of interest circled in screen shot.  “technology” is circled because of the inane advice the blog gives as solutions to watching FOX broadcasts, including “3. Go to a bar/restaurant”, as well as #2 (“Stream over the Internet”) and #4 (“Watch later on and”), both of which reference Hulu, and neither of which addresses the problem of live broadcasting.  Who says Guidos can’t be innovative?

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